Saturday 6 October 2012

iRobot Poster

Images: The image shows the protagonist in a confident stance in the foreground and an army of human like machines in the background. This portrays how it could be a war between humanity and technology. Also, the higher ratio of robots to humans could also show how technology is the stronger race and possible taking over.
Colours: The blue filter over the poster creates a cold, negative tone. It is also a very mechanical colour and could show the glow of the lights in the large army of technology.
Layout: The main protagonist is the first thing that catches our eye about this poster along with his name placed clearly at the top. As he is a well know and highly like actor, it may create a positive image of the film causing more people to want see it.  The rest of the poster is kept simple with little writing in the middle and title and credits along the bottom. This makes the image more striking and eye catching.
Typography: The typography is very simple and plain with little individual characteristics. This could represent how technology is very plain, defined clear and simple whereas humans have more personality and individuality. Although it is simple, its metallic colour and smoothness looks almost futuristic and industrial.
Catch Phrase: “One man saw it coming” This line tells us very little about the film however it could convey how the majority of us underestimate technology and put little thought into the power it has over us. It is placed under the title, keeping the rest of the poster clear for the image.
Genre: We can tell from the robots in the image and the futuristic font. The film will be set in a different time and could possibly be sci-fi or action.

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