Thursday 6 December 2012

Time Lapse- (One Person Static)

Time Lapse- One Person Static

(Close up of the time lapse shot on our storyboard)

One of the clips in our trailer is what is called a One Person Static Time Lapse. To effectively achieve this I researched into how and we practised the technique of time lapse videography. I found out that actually no advanced or super high technology is necessary but rather just a good digital SLR camera, which we already have and a reasonable amount of shooting time.
I also found some useful tips:

Tripod is a vital piece of equipment because considering the camera needs to remain in the same position for a prolonged period of time, the tripod prevents shakes or rolling- essentially avoiding shaky takes.

Framing is also very important. This helps to visualise the scene and the best composition for the camera.

Another tip is that it's best and advised to leave the camera in use, a basic setting because changing the settings beforehand enables the camera to automatically try to correct every little detail and change the light or colour temperature; which wont give us much control in post production.


(An example of a street time lapse)

(An example of a One Person Time Laspe)


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