Monday 3 December 2012


We consider it important to analyse our target audience's answers to our survey to acknowledge the aspects they are interested in viewing and if its something plausible for us as a group to produce, in terms of location, character style/age/gender, sub-genre, sound etc. 

"We’re making a psychological drama. What would you prefer to see to give an insight to the main deranged character’s mind?"

In terms of the first question, when gathering footage we have collected most of what the audience has requested to see: weapons- fighting, different shadowing techniques with lighting differentiation, and we have created a collection of pictures of the male victimised protagonist in our trailer as the source of obsession.

"What editing techniques work best in a psychological drama trailer in order to make it more fit for genre?"

According to the statistics, it appears that our audience would prefer for there to be flashbacks

"What would be the best locations to set this kind of trailer in?"

"What type of music or sound would you prefer to hear in the movie trailer?"

"The film should start with a..."

"What do you expect to see in a psychological drama movie/trailer?"

"Select one possible film name we could utilise for our own trailer"

"Which one of these do you usually use to access social networking sites?"

"What medium(s) of communication in terms of social networking do you usually use? "

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