Sunday 24 February 2013

FILM TITLE: The meaning

ALTERNET: The meaning 

(Inital movie logo-movie title)

As a group, we decided that our movie title will be 'ALTERNET'. We came to this decision as we believe the title is unique and suitable for the nature of some of the themes we explore through our plot and movie itself.
ALTERNET is a word we coined ourself and it is a fusion between the words 'Alter' and 'Internet'. 

'Alter' deriving from late latin 'alterare' meaning 'other'. defines 'alter' as 'to change, adjust or modifiy for a better fit' and in respect to our movie plot, 'alter' refers to the character of Matt desiring to almost change himself and his relationship with Jacob to a more intimate level but through a fake identity. This fake identity is posed as Matt's 'alter ego' (late latin meaning 'other I').

'Internet' deriving from the 1970's, is a universal term obviously referring to the 'global computer network providing a platform for information, communication methods'; most especially social networking which we are focusing on. The internet and how our characters utilise it, is such a big part of our equilibrium and disequilibrium and because its the main theme and we would like our audience to know that straight away, it make sense for us to try incorporate it into the movie title.


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