Sunday 4 November 2012

Camera Shot Ideas


Close Ups

This type of shot will be the most frequently used in our trailer as it shows objects in great detail. This is useful for our psychological drama because it will be necessary to see our characters’ expressions closely due to the persona they are portraying. For the role of Jacob our obsessed character it will be useful to see close ups of him when portraying different emotions: his deranged persona will need to have especially sad emotions and angry emotions captured in close up shots so the audience can almost have an insight into his mind. Like in this screenshot taken from the opening from American Psycho which then leads onto him peeling off the mask, it reveals a lot about his double sided personality so using something of a similar nature in our trailer will be very effective for its genre.


Long Shots

These shots will be effective to give away the locations that we are going to use in our trailer. Because the teaser trailer itself is very limited in a sense that not many things are given away, the things that can be given away are things such as mise en scene and scenery which essential sets the scene and creates the atmosphere of the movie hopefully revealing its genre.


Over The Shoulder Shots

Over the shoulder shots would be good to use in our trailer as the two protagonists we have are our only real characters and the over the shoulder shot is between two people showing how engrossed they are in the conversation they are having: this would emphasise emotions created captured in the over the shoulder shots. This type of shot can also be effective in creating enigmas as to what the characters are talking about, which would make it more intriguing for an audience.

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